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Handi-Treads Non-Slip Treads Factory Seconds and Overruns

Slip and Fall Solutions - Aluminum Treads Seconds and Overruns at deep discounts

One of the great qualities of Handi-Treads non-slip treads and nosings is that in addition to being functional, they’re very attractive. Unlike rubber treads, or grit tape that can cheapen the look of outdoor stairs, ramps or decks, Handi-Treads have a sleek, modern appearance. Depending upon the color you choose, the aluminum anti-slip treads can visually blend into any structure, or stand out boldly as an additional call to safety.

What Are Handi-Treads Factory Seconds?

At Handi-Treads we’re very particular about the quality of our products, and our QC team rejects any tread or nosing that doesn’t meet our exacting standards for both performance and aesthetics.

There are times during the manufacturing process when an aluminum stair tread blank slips, causing the raised traction buttons to be drilled slightly askew, or the edges of a tread to be slightly off-square. These and other cosmetic flaws do not degrade from the safety performance or longevity of the treads. They just don’t look quite as pretty as our retail product.

In the past we would send these functionally perfect treads to the recycling plant, but with health and safety of the utmost importance, and budgets stretched to the limit, we’ve decided to offer these Factory Seconds at a savings of up to 70%. These treads work as well and last just as long as our retail-quality treads, so you’ll gain all the safety benefits of the full price tread at a fraction of the cost.

It’s important to note that Factory Seconds do not come with screws, are not returnable and that their appearance and aesthetic flaw may vary from tread-to-tread. At these savings, you can certainly understand why!

Handi-Treads Custom Overruns

We pride ourselves on being able to produce aluminum treads and nosings in custom sizes and colors based on the needs of our customers. For example, one client ordered hundreds of specially sized 43” length treads and ended up taking a few less than anticipated.

As a result we’ve got a few dozen of these functionally and aesthetically perfect treads sitting in our warehouse waiting for a good home and a few stairs to make safer! We’re offering Custom Overruns, while supplies last, for up to 75% off!

You’ll need to provide your own screws to install these Custom Overruns, but that’s about it. Please pay close attention to the custom sizes and finishes to be sure you’re ordering the product that’s right for you. Custom Overruns are not returnable.

If you’re not sure if Handi-Treads aluminum treads or nosings are the right solution for your home, use our Stop-the-Slip Configurator to find the perfect safety solution for your unique situation.