If you’re considering adding non-slip treads to your stairs, ramp, or deck but are worried about potential safety concerns, you’re not alone. As noted by the CDC, 16.9% of Americans have a disability that often requires their use of accessibility infrastructure, such as ramps or walkway treads. It is the mandate of the US government via the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that individuals with disabilities, who are most often elders, be accommodated so as to enable their use of both public and often times private, infrastructure. Normally, this is the part of the blog post when I tell you that there’s no better way to accommodate those with sight and mobility disabilities than HandiTreads, and while this is absolutely true, some concerns have been raised. In particular, some question whether treads, such as the HandiTreads Non-Slip Ramp and Deck Treads, could cause trips or interfere with wheelchair access on ADA structures. In this blog post, we’ll debunk those concerns and shed light on why HandiTreads are not only safe but also ADA-compliant.
Addressing Concerns: Trips and Wheelchair Accessibility
We’ve gotten a few questions from customers asking if the edge of the HandiTreads themselves could cause someone to trip, prompting us to delve into the specifics and put those worries to rest. The quality of HandiTreads is obvious at first glance, so it’s understandable to think that it may do its job of providing texture to a walkway, ramp, or deck too well, so much so that it’d become a tripping hazard.
Let me assure any skeptics that such an impression ceases once you see our treads in action, fastened to a ground surface. When viewed like that, the only thing you’ll be able to notice is its durable make, low profile, and stable design. Afterall, such is the unique selling proposition of HandiTreads. And so, contrary to the misconception that they might cause someone to catch their foot and trip, properly installed HandiTreads are securely fastened to the surface.
ADA-Compliant Thinness
One of the primary concerns for those considering non-slip treads for wheelchair ramps is whether the treads adhere to ADA guidelines. According to ADA guidelines, changes in level can be up to ¼″ without treatment or ½″ if beveled with a slope no steeper than 1:2. HandiTreads confidently meet this standard, with a thickness of only 0.12 inches, including the traction buttons.
This means that someone looking to add these treads to their wheelchair ramp need not worry about tripping. The thinness of HandiTreads not only ensures compliance but also provides a seamless solution for making any walkway or structure safer.
ADA Guidelines and Slip Resistance
Understanding the ADA guidelines related to slip resistance is crucial when evaluating the safety of non-slip treads. Accessible surfaces must be slip-resistant to minimize hazards to people with disabilities, especially those who are ambulatory or use mobility aids. However, the standards do not specify a minimum level of slip resistance, recognizing the challenge of establishing a consensus method for rating slip resistance.
Compliance with these standards involves specifying surface materials, textures, or finishes that prevent or minimize slipperiness under likely conditions. The slip resistance of HandiTreads is not only compliant but exceeds expectations, providing superior traction in various environmental conditions, including rain, snow, dirt, ice, or fallen leaves.
HandiTreads Non-Slip Ramp and Deck Treads: A Closer Look
Let’s dive into the specifics of HandiTreads Non-Slip Ramp and Deck Treads to understand why they are a reliable and safe choice for ADA structures.
Thinner than ADA Standard
HandiTreads are designed to be much thinner than the ADA change in level standard, ensuring they seamlessly integrate with your existing structures without causing any interference. The slim profile of .06 inches meets ADA requirements while delivering exceptional traction.Patented Raised-Button Traction Surface
The patented raised-button traction surface of HandiTreads sets them apart. This unique design provides superior traction in virtually all environmental conditions, including rain, sleet, snow, dirt, ice, or fallen leaves. The raised buttons grip your shoe or foot, offering instant traction and making each step secure.All-Weather Performance
HandiTreads are crafted to retain traction and dispel up to an inch of snow when stepped on. Unlike some anti-slip products, these treads can withstand the weight of snow shovels during removal without fear of damage. This all-weather performance makes HandiTreads a reliable and permanent solution for slip and fall hazards on outdoor decks, patios, and landings.
Affordable and Permanent Solution
One of the significant advantages of HandiTreads is that they provide an affordable, permanent solution to slip and fall hazards. The no-rust, aluminum non-slip treads transform slippery areas of natural or composite wood decks into safe spaces, regardless of weather or environmental conditions.